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 The Artist Bio 

Carmen Owen kindy art
The learning connexion diplomas in Art and creativity TLC

I’m a self-taught artist and have always loved painting and drawing since I was a small child. I’ve always had a love of animals and wildlife and these have always been my favourite subjects.

Throughout my school life, I tried various mediums and studied mixed media and graphic design at the Southland Polytechnic in my mid-20s before moving to the UK in 1998. I stayed in Wales for a time with my favourite Aunt. Then I spent a short time in Glasgow (as it was my intention to study at the Glasgow School of Art and where my Dad & Grandmother came from) But then after a weekend visit to Edinburgh, I fell in love with the beautiful city and moved there to study at the Edinburgh College of Art.

While continuing my art courses in acrylic painting there, I also took up the medium of pastels for the first time and this has been my prefered medium to work with ever since.

After the tragic death of my partner in Scotland in 1999, I returned home to New Zealand with my then 2-month-old son "Stephen" and eventually purchased my small farmlet in Otatara (the same rural area that I grew up in.) I named the property "Awen Grove" ("Awen" being a Welsh/Celtic word for "inspiration")

It took me a few years and a lot of hard work, but while I was still a single Mum (and scratching to make ends meet) I still managed to renovate an old farm building on my property into a studio using upcycled materials. I'm definitely not a great builder and it's a very basic space, but it is warm and dry and with the abundance of native birds and an extensive menagerie of pets surrounding me I find it a wonderful place to work and create in.

In 2015 (and getting on in my early 40s) I finally returned to my art studies (extramural at the Learning Connection Wellington N.Z) and have now completed almost 3 years of study, receiving my Certificate, Diploma & Diploma with honours in Art & Creativity.


Today, thanks to my many returning clients and the support of my wonderful fiancee Pete, I have been able to pursue my dream of working full-time from my home studio creating commissioned portraits from photos and my own original artworks.

My goal now is to renovate another building on the property (nicknamed "the Bothy') and turn it into a community gallery and teaching space!

Carmen x


Commended Artist Award

"Sorcha" 2005

Positivley Pastels Exhibition

City Gallery Invercargill

Wild at heART Original Artworks and commissions by Carmen Owen
TheNZ artist mag series5 volume 1 ise no
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© Copyright Carmen Owen "Wild at heART" All rights reserved

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